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Standort: Austria

Montag, 9. Juli 2007

European Union

Istoria Uniunii Europene




Winston Churchill calls for a "kind of United States of Europe" in a speech he gives at the Zurich University.

Top of the pageDecember


The European Federalists Union is set into place in Paris, France




Fostered by Winston Churchill, the United Europe Movement is created. It is hostile to supranational organs and in favour of an intergovernmental cooperation.

Top of the pageJune


René Courtin creates the French Council for a United Europe that will later be absorbed by the European Movement (1953). Fostered by Christian Democrats, the Nouvelles Equipes Internationales, that later known as European Union of Christian Democrats (1965), is created.

The Socialist United States of Europe Movement is created. In 1961 it will be renamed European Left.

The Marshall Plan, set up for the economic revival of Europe, is announced.

Top of the pageAugust


The European Union Federalists Congress is held in Montreux, Switzerland.

Top of the pageDecember


Federalist and Unionist organisations meet within the International Coordination of Movements for the Unification of Europe Committee.




The custom convention between Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands enters into force.

Top of the pageMarch


The Western Union Treaty (Brussels Treaty) is signed by Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Top of the pageApril


The Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) is created to coordinate the Marshall Plan.

Top of the pageMay


Fostered by the International Coordination of Movements for the Unification of Europe Committee, the Europe Congress meets in The Hague, The Netherlands. It is chaired by Winston Churchill and attended by 800 delegates. Participants recommend that a European Deliberative Assembly and a European Special Council, in charge of preparing political and economic integration of European Countries, be created. They also advise the adoption of a Human Rights Charter and, to ensure the respect of such charter, the creation of a Court of Justice.




France, Great Britain and the Benelux countries decide to set into place a Council of Europe and ask Denmark, Ireland, Italy Norway and Switzerland to help them prepare the statute of such Council.

Top of the pageApril


Signature in Washington of the North Atlantic Treaty.

Top of the pageMay


The statute of the Council of Europe is signed in London, United Kingdom.

Top of the pageAugust


The statute of the Council of Europe enters into force.

The first session of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe is held in Strasbourg, France. Federalist members of parliament request the institution of a European political authority.




In a speech inspired by Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, proposes that France and Germany and any other European country wishing to join them pool their Coal and Steel resources ("Schuman Declaration").

Top of the pageJune


Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany subscribe to the Schuman declaration.

Top of the pageAugust


The Council of Europe Assembly approves the Schuman plan.

Top of the pageSeptember


The European Union of payments is created.

Top of the pageNovember


Signature of the Human Rights and Fundamental Rights Conventions in Rome, Italy.




A meeting in view of the creation of the European Community of Defence is held in Paris, France. Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Germany attend the meeting alongside six observer countries (USA, Canada, Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands).

Top of the pageApril


The Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands) sign the Treaty of Paris establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

Top of the pageDecember


Paul-Henri Spaak, leaves the Presidency of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe in protest to the lukewarm attitude of the United Kingdom towards Europe.




The Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands) sign in Paris the European Defence Community (EDC) Treaty.

Top of the pageJuly


The ECSC Treaty enters into force. Jean Monnet is appointed President of the High Authority and Paul-Henri Spaak of the Common Assembly.

Luxembourg is chosen as the temporary headquarters for the ECSC.

Top of the pageAugust


The ECSC High Authority takes office.

Top of the pageNovember


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) decides to grant to the Six a derogation from the most-favoured-nation treatment, to allow them to fulfil their ECSC obligations.




The ECSC levy, the first European tax, comes into force.

Top of the pageFebruary


The Common Market for coal and iron ore is set into place. The Six remove custom duties and quantitative restrictions on these raw materials.

Top of the pageMarch


The procedure regulation of the European Court of Justice is published in the Official Journal of the ECSC. As of today appeals foreseen by the Paris Treaty can be placed to the Court.

Paul-Henri Spaak, President of the ad hoc Assembly created on September 10, 1952, hands to G. Bidault, President of the ECSC Council, a draft treaty instituting a political European Community. Such Community would aim at safeguarding human rights and fundamental rights, at guaranteeing security of Member States against aggression, at ensuring the co-ordination of Member States' external policy and at progressively establishing the Common Market. Five institutions are foreseen in the draft treaty: a European Executive Council, a two-chamber Parliament, a Council of National Ministers, a Court of Justice and a Economic and Social Committee.

The Common Market for scrap iron is set into place.

Top of the pageAugust


The ECSC and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) sign a cooperation agreement.




Alcide de Gasperi is elected President of the European Parliamentary Assembly.

Top of the pageAugust


The six meet in Brussels, Belgium. The French statesman Pierre Mendès France does not succeed in his request to attenuate the supranational character of the European Defence Community (EDC).

The French National Assembly rejects the European Defence Community Treaty.

Top of the pageOctober


Following the London Conference, agreements on a modified Brussels Treaty are signed in Paris, and the Western European Union (WEU) comes into being.

Top of the pageNovember


Jean Monnet, President of the ECSC High Authority resigns after the EDC failure.

Top of the pageDecember


The European Court of Justice renders its first ruling.




René Mayer is elected President of the ECSC High Authority.

Meeting in Messina (Italy), the Foreign Ministers of the Six agree to aim at the integration of their countries on the economic front.

Top of the pageOctober


According to referendum results, Saarland rejects its autonomous statute and decides to join Germany.

Top of the pageDecember


The Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopts as it emblem the blue flag hosting 12 golden stars.




The ECSC High Authority confirms the principle of free circulation, within the Community, of steel products imported form third countries.

Top of the pageMay


Paul-Henri Spaak, the Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs presents to his ECSC colleagues a report on the draft Community Treaties foreseeing the creation of the EEC and Euratom.

The Spaak Report is approved. Meeting in Venice, the Foreign Ministers decide to open intergovernmental negotiations for the conclusions of two Treaties setting up a European Economic Community and an Atomic Energy Community.

Top of the pageJune


Negotiations for the drafting of the instituting texts for the EEC and Euratom open in Brussels.




The Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) are signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands) in Rome as of today they will be referred to as the "Treaties of Rome".

Top of the pageApril


The protocols on the privileges and immunities granted to the European Communities and on the statute of the European Court of Justice are signed in Brussels, Belgium.

Top of the pageOctober


The ECSC High Authority is requested, by its Council, to prepare a general policy on energy.

Top of the pageNovember


Hans Furler is elected President of the Common Assembly of the ECSC.




The Treaties of Rome enter into force. The EEC and EURATOM Communities are set into place in Brussels. The Parliamentary Assembly, set up in Luxembourg, and the Court of Justice are common to all three Communities.

Walter Hallstein is elected President of the EEC Commission. Louis Armand is elected President of the Euratom Commission. Paul Finet is elected President of the ECSC High Authority.

The Six decide to create the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) to prepare the work of the Councils.

Top of the pageFebruary


Member States set into place a harmonised tariff for coal and steel. Derogation is granted to France and Italy. Both will be allowed, for some products, to request higher rights for a period of two years.

Top of the pageMarch


The session setting up the European Parliamentary Assembly is held in Strasbourg, France. Mr. Robert Schuman is elected President of the Assembly. This Assembly is to substitute the ECSC one.

Top of the pageApril


The first Council regulation sets up German, French, Italian and Dutch as the official languages of the Communities.

The first Official Journal of the European Communities is published. It replaces the Official Journal of the ECSC.

The Council names the members of the Economic and Social Committee (ESC).

Top of the pageMay


The deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly sit for the first time according to political groups rather than nationality.

A meeting is held in Brussels, Belgium, to constitute the ESC.

The Parliamentary Assembly adopts its internal regulation.

Top of the pageJuly


A conference held in Stresa (Italy) lays down the basis of a common agricultural policy (CAP).

In Geneva, Switzerland, Walter Hallstein signs a formal liaison and collaboration agreement between the EEC and the International labour Organisation (ILO).

Top of the pageOctober


The European Court of Justice that replaces the ECSC Court of Justice, is set up in Luxembourg.

Top of the pageDecember


The Governors of the EIB Council adopt the first directives regarding the credit policy of the Bank.

The European Monetary Agreement enters into force.




The first steps are taken in the progressive abolition of custom duties and quotas within the EEC.

Robert Schuman is re-elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Top of the pageFebruary


Etienne Hirsch is elected President of the Euratom Commission.

Top of the pageMarch


The European Court of Justice adopts its procedure regulations.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) grants its first loans.

Top of the pageMay


The European Council accepts USA's "Dillon proposal" on multi-lateral trade negotiations (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade framework). The Commission, assisted by a special Committee appointed by the Council, will lead these negotiations.

Top of the pageJune


Greece applies for association with the EEC.

The EEC National Fiscal Administrations set up three working groups to review the feasibility of harmonising indirect levy legislation.

The first meeting of Member States' experts on dumping is held. They review regulations to be set into place to avoid intra-community dumping.

Top of the pageJuly


Seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC), namely Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, decide to establish a European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Turkey applies for association with the EEC.

Top of the pageSeptember


Negotiations for the association of Greece to the EEC start.

Piero Malvestiti is elected President of the ECSC High Authority.

Negotiations for the association of Turkey to the EEC start.

Top of the pageOctober


Pierre Wigny, the Belgian minister for foreign affairs, launches the idea of uniting in a single institution the High Authority of the ECSC and the two Commissions (EEC and Euratom) established by the Rome Treaty.




The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) convention, regrouping Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom is signed in Stockholm, Sweden.

Top of the pageMay


The Stockholm Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) enters into force.

The Council adopts the regulation relative to the European Social Fund. The aim of the Fund is promoting employment and geographical and professional mobility of workers within the Community.

Top of the pageSeptember


The European Social Fund regulation enters into force.

Top of the pageDecember


The Convention establishing the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) is signed in Brussels, Belgium.

The Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) becomes the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).




A Summit Conference is held in Paris, France on the necessity of establishing a sound political cooperation.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Furler is re-elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Top of the pageJune


The Netherlands Government takes the initiative of submitting a draft paper advocating the revision of the treaties of Rome and Paris by the adoption of a convention setting up a single Council for the Communities and a European High Commission (Fusion of the Executives). The European Parliament and the two Commissions are consulted on this draft. The merger of the executives is not proceeded with at this point because of divergences between Member States in the scope of the reform.

Top of the pageJuly


A European Summit meeting is held in Bonn, Germany. The Six voice their wish to set up a political union.

Ireland formally applies to join the European Communities.

Top of the pageAugust


The United Kingdom formally applies to join the European Communities.

Denmark formally applies to join the European Communities.

Top of the pageSeptember


The first regulation on free movement of workers comes into force.

Top of the pageNovember


A colloquy between the institutions of the European Economic Community is held in Strasbourg, France. The subjects discussed are the transition from the first to the second stage of the Common Market and the association with overseas countries.

Top of the pageDecember


Mr Walter Hallstein is re-elected President of the Commission of the European Economic Community.




The new European Economic Community Commission, with Mr Hallstein as its President, takes office. Pierre Chatenet is elected President of the Euratom Commission.

The Council adopts the first regulations on the common agricultural policy (CAP) created for the establishment of a single market for agricultural products and for financial solidarity through a European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).

Top of the pageFebruary


The Council approves the rules of procedure of the European Social Fund (ESF).

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Gaetano Martino is re-elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly. The Parliamentary Assembly decides to change its name into European Parliament.

Top of the pageApril


The regulations and basic decisions on the CAP are enacted.

Norway formally applies to join the European Communities.

Top of the pageJuly


Customs duties on industrial products between member countries are reduced to 50% of their level of 1957.

The regulations creating a common agricultural policy (CAP) enter into force.

Top of the pageOctober


The Council adopts the first directive relative to the EEC global foodstuff regulation by defining which colorants can be added to foodstuffs.

Top of the pageNovember


The association agreement between Greece and the Community enters into force.




General de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, states that France doubts the political will of the United Kingdom to join the Community. A few days later, negotiations with all applicant countries are suspended.

Top of the pageFebruary


Van Gend en Loos ruling. The European Court of Justice specifies that the Community constitutes a new legal order for the benefit of which Member States have consented to a restriction of their sovereign rights.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Gaetano Martino is re-elected President of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageMay


Official opening of GATT Trade negotiations (Kennedy Round).

Top of the pageJuly


In pursuance of the decision to speed up the establishment of a custom union, the sixth intra-community reduction in customs duties and the second alignment on the common external tariff are effected.

The Yaoundé Convention, an Association Agreement valid for five years, is signed between the Community and 17 African States and Madagascar in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Top of the pageSeptember


Death of Robert Schuman.

The Council reaches an agreement in principle on the question of the merger of the Executives.

Top of the pageOctober


Mr Dino del Bo is elected President of the ECSC High Authority.




Mr Hallstein is re-elected President of the EEC Commission.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Duvieusart is elected President of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageMay


Official opening of the Kennedy Round of multilateral trade negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The Community takes part in the meeting.

The World Conference on Trade and Development is held in Geneva, Switzerland.

Top of the pageJune


The Yaoundé Convention enters into force.

Top of the pageJuly


The European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) is set into place.

Costa/ENEL ruling. The European Court of Justice holds that Community law overrules national law.

Top of the pageSeptember


The Council reaches an agreement as to the composition of the single Commission that will ultimately have nine members.

Top of the pageDecember


The Association Treaty signed by the EEC and Turkey enters into force.

The Council instructs the Commission to submit proposals on the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and to submit proposals on the conditions for implementing the transfer to Community budget of levies on agricultural products.

The United Nations General Assembly creates the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as an organ of the General Assembly.




Mr Leemans is elected President of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageApril


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Board, the permanent organ of the Conference, holds its first meeting in New York, USA. It adopts its work programme, it sets up its subsidiary agencies and lays down their term of reference.

The Treaty merging the executives of the three Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) is signed in Brussels. It will enter into force on July 1, 1967.

Top of the pageJune


France ratifies the Treaty instituting a Council and Commission of the European Communities.

Germany ratifies the Treaty instituting a Council and Commission of the European Communities.

Top of the pageJuly


France breaks off the negotiations on financing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The French Government recalls its Permanent Representative. For the time being, the French Delegation will not take part in Council's or Permanent Representatives Committee's meetings.

The Commission submits to the Council a memorandum on the financing of the CAP and on independent revenues for the Community.

The Council accepts the memorandum of the Commission on the financing of the CAP as a sound basis for discussion.

Top of the pageSeptember


The Commission addresses a recommendation to the Member States. It asks to avoid creating new obstacles to intra-Community trade when they adopt laws and regulations of a technical nature.

Top of the pageDecember


Dekker ruling. Within the framework of social security of migrant workers, the European Court of Justice clarifies that the term "benefits in kind" does not infer sums paid in addition to pensions intended to cover part of the pensioner's health-insurance contributions.




The EEC enters the third and last phase of the transition to the Common Market. This implies the replacement of the unanimity vote by the majority system for most of the decisions of the Council.

The annual joint meeting between the European Institutions is held in Brussels, Belgium. The discussion deals mainly with two institutional problems: cooperation between the Commission and the Council and the Council's majority decisions.

Luxembourg Compromise. France, after operating an "empty chair" policy for seven months, resumes its place in the Council in return for retention of the unanimity vote when major interests are at stake.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Alain Poher is elected President of the European Parliament.

The Commission lays before the Council its proposal concerning the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), independent revenue for the Community and wider powers for the European Parliament.

Top of the pageApril


Belgium ratifies the Treaty instituting a Council and Commission of the European Communities.

Italy ratifies the Treaty instituting a Council and Commission of the European Communities.

Top of the pageMay


The Council adopts decisions and resolutions governing the timetable and the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and determines its objectives in other fields of common interest.

Top of the pageJune


The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ratifies the Treaty instituting a Council and Commission of the European Communities.

Top of the pageOctober


The Netherlands ratify the Treaty instituting a Council and Commission of the European Communities.

Top of the pageNovember


A joint meeting of the European Institutions is held. The discussion mainly concentrates on the progress of the Community towards economic union and future prospects.




The EEC Council of Ministers decides to harmonise indirect taxes in the Community, to adopt the principle of the added-value tax system and to approve the first medium-term economic policy programme defining and fixing the aims of the economic policy of the Community for the years ahead.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Alain Poher is re-elected President of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageMay


The United Kingdom re-applies to join the Community. It is followed by Ireland and Denmark and, a little later, by Norway. General de Gaulle is still reluctant to accept British accession.

A Summit Conference is held in Rome, Italy, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the signature of the EEC and Euratom Treaties. Heads of State or Government express their intention of bringing into force the Treaty merging the institutions of the three Communities as of July 1, 1967.

Top of the pageJune


The Commission signs the final Act of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) multi-lateral negotiations (Kennedy Round).

Top of the pageJuly


The Merger Treaty, fusing the Executives of the European Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom), enters into force. From now on the European Communities will have a single Commission and a single Council. However, both continue to act in accordance with the rules governing each of the Communities.

The Council of the European Communities holds its first session with Germany at its Presidency.

The new Commission, with Jean Rey as its President, takes office.

Top of the pageSeptember


The Commission renders an opinion on the applications for EC membership of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland and Norway.

Top of the pageNovember


The Institutions hold their annual joint meeting and discuss on the outlook for development of the Communities following the merger of the institutions.




France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Alain Poher is re-elected President of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageJuly


Italy takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
Customs union enters into force. Remaining customs duties in intra-Community trade are abolished 18 months ahead of what was scheduled in the Rome Treaty and the Common Customs Tariff is introduced to replace national customs duties in trade with the rest of the world.

Top of the pageOctober


The European Court of Justice celebrates its 10th anniversary. A large number of representatives of the Community institutions, the Governments and the Senior Courts and Administrative Tribunals of the Member States attend the formal meeting held for the occasion.

Top of the pageNovember


The Council, the Parliament and the Commission hold an exchange of views on the prospects of the Communities. It gives rise to a discussion on the need to render the institutional machinery of the Communities democratic and to strengthen and widen it, to guarantee the future of Euratom and to institute close cooperation in the monetary field.

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Luxembourg takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Top of the pageFebruary


A Western European Union (WEU) Council meeting takes place in Luxembourg.

Top of the pageJuly


The Netherlands take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Mr. Jean Rey is re-elected President of the Commission.

The Commission submits to the Council a memorandum on replacing the financial contributions of the Member States by Communities' own resources and on increasing the budgetary powers of the European Parliament.

The Council resumes the examination of the application for EC membership of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland and Norway. It asks the Commission to bring up to date the opinion it rendered on the matter in September 1967.

Signature of the second Yaoundé convention.

Top of the pageAugust


Upon request of the Council, the Commission brings up to date the opinion it rendered on the EC membership application of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland and Norway.

The ninth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is held in Geneva, Switzerland. The discussion is mainly centred around UNCTAD's contribution to the second UN Development Decade.

Top of the pageOctober


The Commission submits a supplementary opinion on the applications for EC membership of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland and Norway.

The Commission submits to the Council a draft decision to provide the Community with the instruments it needs to promote a regional development policy.

Top of the pageNovember


Stauder ruling. For the first time the European Court of Justice comments on the protection of the individual maintaining that the general principles of Community law, the respect of which the Court is to ensure, include the fundamental rights of the individual.

Top of the pageDecember


A Summit meeting is held in The Hague, the Netherlands. The heads of State or Government confirm their willingness to maintain the gradual advance towards a genuine economic and monetary union and the close alignment of social policies this entails, and reaffirm their agreement on the principle of the enlargement of the Community.

Mr Rey, President of the Commission, expresses before the European Parliament his satisfaction with the decisions taken at the Summit conference concerning the completion and strengthening of the Community.

The 12-year transitional period forecast by the treaty on the European Economic Communities (EEC) for setting into practice the common market, comes to an end.

Top of the page1970



Belgium takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Top of the pageMarch


The Commission submits to the Council a memorandum on the preparation of a plan for the establishment of economic and monetary union.

The Council assigns a committee of experts presided by Pierre Werner, to put out proposals for achieving economic and monetary union and entrusts a second committee of experts presided by Etienne Davignon, to issue proposals for political cooperation.

Mr Mario Scelba is re-elected president of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageApril


Signature of the Treaty of Luxembourg. The Council decides the gradual introduction of a system of own-resources under which the Community will receive all customs duties on products imported from non-member countries, all levies on agricultural imports and resources deriving from value-added tax. They also decide to extend the budgetary powers of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageMay


A commemorative setting is held to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Schuman declaration.

Top of the pageJune


Negotiations with four prospective Member States (Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom) open in Luxembourg.

Top of the pageJuly


Germany takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

The new Commission, with Franco Maria Malfatti as its President takes office.

Top of the pageOctober


The Council issues a final report on the Commission memorandum on the establishment of economic and monetary union.

The Council reaches an agreement on the principles and procedures for implementing Community action in the regional policy field.

The Member States approve the Davignon Report on political cooperation. The objective is to get Europe to speak with a single voice on all major international problems.

Top of the pageNovember


The Council decides to reform the European Social Fund (ESF) in order to provide the Community with a suitable instrument for ensuring correlation between the social policy and the other common policies.

Top of the pageDecember


Internationale Handelsgesellschaft ruling. The European Court of Justice clarifies the idea of fundamental rights in Community law. It declares that protection of those rights, although inspired by the constitutional traditions common to the Member States, must be secured within the framework of the Community's structure and objectives.

Top of the page1971



France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
The second Yaoundé Convention and Arusha Agreements enter into force.

The annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the EEC- African States and Madagascar (AASM) Association is held in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Top of the pageFebruary


The European Parliament adopts a resolution on the Commission report on the stage reached in implementing Council Directives concerning the achievement of freedom of establishment and freedom to supply services. The resolution stresses that the Member States should implement the directives adopted and that the Commission should supervise their proper application.

Top of the pageMarch


The Council adopts the Werner Plan to strengthen coordination of economic policies. The Member States have to take measures to harmonise their budgetary policies and to reduce the margins of fluctuation between their currencies.

European Agreement on Road Transport (AETR) ruling. The European Court of Justice develops principles that draw the line between the powers of the Community and those of the Member States. It makes clear that, as common rules are introduced, only the Community is in a position to take over and fulfil, in respect of the entire field of application of the Community legal order, obligations undertaken vis-à-vis non-member States.

Top of the pageMay


The Council introduces a system of monetary compensatory amounts for trade in agricultural products between Member States in order to maintain the unity of the common agricultural market.

Defrenne ruling. The European Court of Justice rules that a retirement pension which forms part of a system of social security provided for by law does not constitute a benefit paid indirectly by the employer to the worker by reason of the latter's employment.

Top of the pageJune


The Ministers of Justice of the Community meet for the first time in Luxembourg. They sign two protocols that, after ratification by the Member States, will grant new powers to the Court of Justice.

The European Parliament adopts a resolution on competition rules and the position of Community enterprises in the Common market and the world economy. The resolution called on the Commission to submit to the Parliament a special annual review of competition policy developments.

Applicant countries to the European Communities, namely Denmark Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom, outline their respective negotiating positions.

Top of the pageJuly


Italy takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Top of the pageSeptember


The 15th general conference on atomic energy is held in Vienna, Austria. The Council mandate to the Commission to negotiate an agreement on guarantees with the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) is announced.

Top of the pageNovember


27th session of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Top of the page1972



Luxembourg takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Signature, by Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom, of the Treaties of accession to the European Communities.

Top of the pageMarch


Signature, by Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom, of the Treaties of accession to the European Communities.

Franco Maria Malfatti, the President of the Commission, resigns and is replaced by Vice-President Sicco Mansholt. The Council adopts a resolution based on a general conspectus by the Commission of the conditions for achieving the first stage of economic and monetary union.

Top of the pageApril


The third United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is held in Santiago, Chile.

The currency "snake" is set up: the Six agree to limit the margin of fluctuation between their currencies to 2.25%.

The Council approves the Association Agreement admitting Mauritius to the Convention between the EC and the Associated African States and Madagascar (AASM).

Top of the pageMay


The European Social Fund (ESF), as reformed by the Council decision of February 1971, becomes operational.

A referendum is held in Ireland on the country joining the European Communities. The vast majority is in favour of accession.

Top of the pageJune


The Council decides to extend the scope of the generalised preferences to cover the developing countries which have joined the group of the seventy-seven, together with a number of other countries and territories, with effect from January 1973. It also agrees on the lines to be followed by the Community in the examination of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Accession Treaty.

Top of the pageJuly


The Netherlands take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Top of the pageSeptember


The Ministers of Finance of the six and of the four countries that applied for membership meet in Rome, Italy. They agree that in the first stage of economic and monetary union it is necessary to set up a European Monetary Cooperation Fund.

Agreements on preferential trade with Egypt and Lebanon are signed.

Signature of an agreement on preferential trade with Cyprus.

A referendum is held in Norway on the country joining the European Communities. The majority is unfavourable to accession.

Top of the pageOctober


A referendum is held in Denmark on the country joining the European Communities. The majority is in favour of accession.

Following the unfavourable vote of the referendum, the Norwegian Government declares that Norway will not bring the accession ratification Bill before the Parliament. The European Parliament passes a resolution containing definite suggestions and requests for the abolition of checks at intra-Community frontiers.

The United Kingdom ratifies the acts relating to the accession to the European Communities.

A Summit meeting is held in Paris, France. Heads of State or Government define new fields of Community action (concerning regional, environmental, social, energy and industrial policies) and reaffirm 1980 as the deadline for the achievement of economic and monetary union.

Top of the pageNovember


A General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) meeting is held in Geneva, Switzerland.




Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Communities.
The Community Free Trade Agreement with Austria, Switzerland, Portugal and Sweden comes into force.

Mr. François Xavier Ortoli takes office as President of the European Commission.

Top of the pageFebruary


The European Confederation of Trade Unions is set up.

Continental Can ruling. The European Court of Justice agrees that, within the meaning of the EEC Treaty, it constitutes an abuse for undertakings to concentrate and achieve a degree of power that virtually eliminates competition.

Top of the pageMarch


Mr Cornelis Berkhouwer is elected President of the European Parliament.

Top of the pageApril


The Community's industrial Free Trade Agreement with Iceland comes into force.

The EEC-Spain Joint Committee holds its third meeting in Madrid, Spain. The Spanish delegation gives an account of its Government's standpoint on the future of relations between Spain and the Community, particularly with a view to the negotiations of a new agreement.

Top of the pageJune


The Association Agreement and the additional protocol between the Community and Cyprus comes into force.

Top of the pageJuly


Denmark takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities. The Community's industrial Free Trade Agreement with Norway comes into force.

The Opening session of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) is held in Helsinki, Finland.

Top of the pageSeptember


A General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) ministerial meeting is held in Tokyo, Japan. The parties involved agree on the necessity to set up a monetary system that shields the world economy from shocks and imbalances; they also recognise that the new phase in the liberalisation of trade should facilitate the orderly functioning of the monetary system.

Top of the pageOctober


Finland signs an industrial Free Trade Agreement with the Communities.

Kippour war. Petroleum-producers countries decide to reduce or ban exports towards some occidental countries and the Organisation of Petrol-Producers (OPEP) countries decides to massively increase petroleum prices.

The Council adopts a set of measures for improving its relations with the European Parliament. These envisage increased participation by the Council in the work of the Parliament in the conclusion of trade agreements as well as an improved procedure of consultation with the Parliament.

Top of the pageNovember


The nine declare their commitment to a pacific solution of the Middle-East crisis.

The Council discusses in detail the measures proposed by the Commission regarding the reorganisation of the common agricultural policy (CAP) that is to be set into place by end 1977.

Top of the pageDecember


A summit conference is held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The energy crisis leads the Member States to agree on the introduction of a common energy policy. A statement on the European identity, drafted as part of political cooperation arrangements and approved by Foreign Ministers, is released.

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